The activities I enjoy doing during Summer are, Mountain Bike Riding and running. You can always run, and it’s free. As for Mountain Biking in Germany, there are approximately 75 mountain bike ranges. Apparently the best trail is in Nuremberg, the name of the trail is Tiergarten. I’m unsure of the price. With running I don’t think I would run too far from where I would be staying because I wouldn’t want to get lost. Some equipment I would need is, a bike, some good sneakers (or some footwear), a map (in case I get lost), and a helmet.
Here are some activities my mum enjoys during summertime. Bush walks, Barbeques, Swimming, Fishing and Camping. Here is an advertisement about Summer Camps.
Do you like camping? Great, because this camp has got all your favourite outdoor activities. You don’t have experience with the outdoors? That’s alright because this camp can give you first hand experience.
Goodbye, I hope you enjoyed this, stay safe.