
Friday, March 22, 2019

Ki O Rahi tournament

Last Friday some of the year 7&8’s competed in a Ki-o-rahi friendly tournament in Kaikohe. All of the games we played were really hard but it was fun. The games were hard because there were schools who had played Ki-o-rahi a lot more than we had. Another thing that made the games hard, was we were strong at playing Ki oma and not Taniwha. Because there were so many of us that wanted to play we had to be split into two teams Paihia tahi and Paihia rua. The first game I played I was in Paihia rua but afterwards I was swapped into tahi (It wasn’t usual to swap only me and another person swapped). The first match rua played was against Kaikohe Christian School which we just won by a point. Then I was swapped to tahi which we lost a lot of games, but it didn’t matter in the end because we still had fun. If there’s something I learnt it was I have to pass the ball a lot more than what I did, and I enjoyed playing Ki oma the most. Also something I could do better would probably be passing more and looking at who’s the closest to me that’s open so that when I pass the ball to someone that actually gets us points, another thing I could do better is catching the ball when it’s passed to me.

Here is a photo